
Activity 4.4 Mathematical Modeling Conclusion Questions Answers


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  1. 1. English Level 3
  2. 2. PRESIDENTE DE LA REPÚBLICA Rafael Correa Delgado MINISTRO DE EDUCACIÓN Augusto Espinosa Andrade Viceministro de Educación Pablo Cevallos Estarellas Viceministro de Gestión Educativa Darío Rodríguez Rodríguez Subsecretaria de Fundamentos Educativos Miriam Chacón Calderón Subsecretario de Administración Escolar Roberto Pazmiño Alvear Directora Nacional de Comunicación Social María Lorena Portalanza Zambrano Equipo técnico Proyecto de Fortalecimiento de Enseñanza de Inglés © Ministerio de Educación del Ecuador, 2013 Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Atahualpa Quito, Ecuador DISTRIBUCIÓN GRATUITA - PROHIBIDA SU VENTA Postcards 2A, Teacher's Book TEACHER'S BOOK - LEVEL 3 First Edition Authorized adaptation from the United Kingdom edition, entitled Snapshot, first edition, published by Pearson Education Limited publishing under its Longman imprint. Copyright © 1998. American English adaptation, published by Pearson Education, Inc. Copyright © 2008. Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. Pearson Education, 10 Bank Street, White Plains, NY 10606 ISBN-13: 978-0-13-375699-9 ISBN-10: 0-13-375699-8 Impreso por El Telégrafo La reproducción parcial o total de esta publicación, en cualquier forma y por cualquier medio mecánico o electrónico, está permitida siempre y cuando sea autorizada por los editores y se cite correctamente la fuente.
  3. 3. TO OUR TEACHERS The Ministry of Education aims at providing Ecuador's students with both the foreign language knowledge and the skills needed to succeed in today's globalized world as English is the international language that will allow them to access knowledge and information and that will become an instrument of personal and professional empowerment to build a more prosperous, equitable society. rst time, the Ministry of Education will provide free English textbooks to students. This will contribute to the learning process in a positive manner, for every student will have an additional resource to aid them in their language acquisition process. These textbooks as well as the teaching-learning approach adopted are guided by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment, which is an internationally recognized standard for the explicit description of educational objectives, content elaboration, and methods as ection on current educational practices. Furthermore, because students will be taught under the Communicative Language exible process, and promotes learner autonomy, teachers and learners are enthusiastically invited to make use of the English language for meaningful communication and as a tool to open windows to the world, unlock doors to opportunities, and expand their minds to the understanding of new ideas and other cultures. The Ministry of Education has also created in-service teacher standards aligned to TESOL, establishing the benchmark as to what teachers need to know. ciency level for pre-service and in-service English teachers, has also been institutionalized, cient in the language. Finally, through a rigorous evaluation procedure and teachers' development plan, the Ministry of Education will assist current in-service English teachers in improving ciency levels to foster the teaching-learning processes in the classroom. We hope that by way of these innovations —new standards, a new curriculum, and new textbooks—students and teachers alike will be more motivated in their classrooms to gain thorough knowledge of English while developing their personal language skills and enhancing their professional abilities, respectively. Ministry of Education
  4. 4. Contents Teacher's Edition Scope and Sequence iv Introduction vi Characters xvi Let's get started. T2 UNIT 1 Meet Alex and his friends. T6 UNIT 2 Do you have anypizza dough? T14 Progress check T21 Game 1 T22 Project 1 T23 UNIT 3 Are there anychips left? T24 Wide Angle 1 T32 UNIT 4 How often do you go rock climbing? T34 Progress check T41 UNIT 5 Everybody's waiting for us. T42 Game 2 T50 Project 2 T51 UNIT 6 What are you going to wear? T52 Progress check T59 Wide Angle 2 T60 Fun with songs 1–2 T62 Focus on culture 1–2 T64 Fun with grammar T68 Word list 70 Language Booster answer keys 71 Unit tests 79 Quarterly tests 86 Tests answer key 94 Grammar reference 97 Peer editing checklist 104 Student self-evaluation checklist 105 Certificate of achievement 107
  5. 5. iv Scope and Sequence Unit Title Communication Grammar Scope and Sequence The present continuous The simple present contrasted with the present continuous Talk about what's going on now Everybody's waiting for us. There is / There are with some and any Questions with How much and How many Expressions of quantity: a little, a few, a lot of, not much, not many Make an offer Meet Alex and his friends. Describe someone's personality Review of the simple present Possessive pronouns: mine, yours (sing.), hers, his, ours, yours (pl.), theirs Whose? Do you have anypizza dough? Give and follow instructions Count and noncount nouns Imperatives (Commands) Are there anychips left? Adverbs of frequency Expressions of frequency How often Gerunds Express preferences: would rather Howoften do you go rock climbing? too + adjective; not + adjective + enough Present continuous for future arrangements Be going to + verb for future plans, intentions, and predictions Talk about clothes Comment and compliment What are you going to wear? Pages 2–5 Let's get started. Pages 6–13 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Progress check Units 1 and 2 Test-taking tip: Be prepared. Game 1: Stomp, spin, and spell Project 1: A snapshot of a great snack Pages 32–33 Page 41 Wide Angle 1: International treats Progress check Units 3 and 4 Test-taking tip: Stay positive and relaxed. Page 50 Page 51 Game 2: Sentence charades Project 2: A snapshot of a special interest Page 59 Progress check Units 5 and 6 Test-taking tip: Keep your eyes on your own paper. Pages 60–61 Wide Angle 2: What is beauty? Pages 14–20 Pages 24–31 Pages 34–40 Pages 42–49 Pages 52–58
  6. 6. vScope and Sequence Vocabulary Skills Learn to learn Pronunciation Classroom activities Reading: Read a blog for specific information Listening: Listen to discriminate information Speaking: Talk about reasons for running late Writing: Write about what usually happens at school Role-play to practice English Words beginning with s + another consonant Foods at the supermarket Reading: Read to discriminate information Listening: Listen to identify true information Speaking: Discuss your reactions to errands; Talk about a place described in a reading Writing: Write about a shopping place Learn collocations with food Would you Personality traits Reading: Identify people from descriptions Listening: Listen for specific information to complete a chart Speaking: Describe people's personalities; Talk about yourself Writing: Write about your ideal person Expand your vocabulary Linking words in connected speech Foods for various meals Reading: Read for specific information Listening: Listen to determine true and false information Speaking: Give and follow instructions Writing: Make a poster on healthful eating tips Learn words that are often used together (collocations) Using stress and intonation to express strong feelings Sports and activities Reading: Read a bar graph Listening: Listen for specific information Speaking: Talk about what you like and don't like doing when you don't have school Writing: Write about what you like and don't like doing during your free time Learn collocations in context The sound /ɑ/ in soccer Clothes Reading: Read for specific information Listening: Listen to discriminate information Speaking: Talk about the kind of clothes you like; Discuss your opinion Writing: Write a list of fashion do's and don'ts Change nouns to adjectives The pronunciation of going to
  7. 7. vi INTRODUCTION Introduction Dear Teacher, Welcome to the second edition of Postcards, a four-level language course designed specifically for young teenagers who are studying English. Principles behind the course 1. Postcards immediately captures students' attention by: • Introducing teenage characters with whom students readily identify • Presenting the real-life language that young speakers of American English use • Focusing on up-to-date situations, topics, and themes that teenagers inherently recognize and respond to • Providing stimulating sensory input through engaging photos, illustrations, and realia chosen especially for the teen learner 2. Postcards holds teenagers' attention by: • Offering a great variety of lesson formats, exercises, and activities • Personalizing learning through activities that allow students to talk about themselves, their world, and their ideas • Providing activities that challenge students' minds as well as their linguistic skills • Offering extensive communicative practice, cross-cultural exploration, group and individual projects, song activities, games, and competitions 3. Postcards gives all students the opportunity to achieve success and a sense of achievement by: • Giving clear, concise, and easy-to-understand language presentations • Providing carefully sequenced exercises that allow students to easily master English grammar and vocabulary • Offering level-appropriate communicative activities that enable students to express themselves with the English they've learned • Providing extensive recycling as well as follow- up reinforcement and practice in the Language Booster Workbook and Grammar Builder 4. Postcards helps students set goals, develop learner independence, and monitor progress by: • Setting clear goals for each unit and section • Presenting an inductive approach to grammar • Providing explicit instruction and practice in learning strategies • Offering extensive pair and group work with a focus on cooperative learning and peer feedback • Allowing opportunities for students to regularly monitor their progress through Progress checks, Student self-evaluation checklists, and unit and quarterly tests Course components Student Book Each Student Book consists of twelve units divided into sections of two units. Each unit is followed either by Putting it together (a photostory activity) or a Progress check. The pattern is as follows: Photo StoryUnit Pages Progress CheckUnit Pages Unit 1 Unit 2 Each Student Book also contains optional materials that can be done with or after each of the units. Suggestions as to when to complete each activity are listed in this Teacher's Edition. The optional activities are: Games, Projects, Wide Angle on the world, Fun with songs, Focus on culture, and Fun with grammar. Language Booster The Language Booster is divided into two parts: • A Workbook, and • A Grammar Builder containing grammar reference pages and extra grammar practice exercises. The Workbook section is divided into units that correspond to those in the Student Book. It gives practice in Grammar, Vocabulary, and Communication. It also provides additional practice in reading and writing. The Workbook includes three levels of exercises for each Grammar, Vocabulary, and Communication section: Get started (easy), Move on (medium), and Reach for the top (challenging). Designed for mixed-level and mixed-ability classes, the Language Booster recognizes that all students will be motivated if they are given tasks that allow them to succeed as well as to achieve higher goals. Most students will benefit from completing the first two levels of the Workbook exercises, and some may wish to attempt all three. Students who already have a basic knowledge of English may find they need to complete only the second and third levels.
  8. 8. vii INTRODUCTION The Skills development section includes additional readings and skills practice. The Grammar Builder section provides additional grammar exercises as well as grammar reference pages called Grammar highlights. This section reviews and clarifies structures presented in each unit of the Student Book. The Grammar Builder can be used alongside the Workbook units or at a later stage for extra reinforcement or review. The Language Booster is a flexible resource that offers self-access material for students in a wide range of teaching situations. It is not necessary for students to work through all the material, although they can do so if they wish. Teacher's Edition The Teacher's Edition contains unit-by-unit lesson notes interleaved with the relevant Student Book pages. The notes include suggestions on how to teach the material, ideas for extension activities, as well as all answer keys and listening audioscripts. Photocopiable unit and quarterly tests are provided at the end of the Teacher's Edition, as well as an extensive Grammar reference section. All answer keys to the Language Booster and the tests are found at the end of the Teacher's Edition. Class Audio CDs The Class Audio CDs contain all the recorded material from the Student Book: the Dialogues, the Pronunciation, Useful expressions, and Vocabulary sections, the Listening exercises, the models for the Communication activities, the Readings, and the Putting it together photostories. Posters Each level has six colorful Posters presenting key grammatical structures, functions, and vocabulary learned in the Student Books. They come with teaching and review activities and can be displayed temporarily or permanently in the classroom. DVDs The DVD program is a stimulating accompaniment to the Postcards series. The interesting, dramatic action portrayed in the DVD program motivates students and allows them to listen to natural spoken language used by native speakers of American English. A DVD Guidebook contains the videoscripts and teacher's notes, with suggestions for activities that can be used to further enrich the use of the DVD in the classroom. Placement Test The Placement Test allows you to know exactly which level of Postcards is most appropriate for a student. ExamView®Test Generator The Test Generator CD-ROM contains a test generator engine which allows you to create tests from Postcards question banks, customize tests to meet your classroom needs, and create your own tests for in-class or Internet use. Teaching tips Classroom management Setting up an environment where students feel encouraged, motivated, challenged, and valued is the key to a successful class. Some helpful practices include: • Maintain class structure. Plan each lesson well. Maintain a regular routine when beginning and ending class, when doing exercises and practices, when assigning pairs and groups, and when checking work; in this way students will have a clear understanding of the structure of the class and what is expected of them. • Personalize. Learn student names at the start of the term; learn about your students' personalities and interests; use this to tailor exercises and content to a particular class. Maintain eye contact with your students as you teach. Let each student know you are interested in his or her progress. • Keep students involved. Limit the amount of time you spend explaining information—instead, elicit information from students by asking simple questions in English. Alternate asking questions of the entire class and calling on individual students to answer; this will ensure all students are listening, involved, and have an opportunity to participate. • Maintain a fun, challenging pace. Set a time limit for activities so students will know they have a limited amount of time to complete the activity; when most students have finished an activity, move on to the next stage—this will motivate students to work hard and maintain student interest in the lesson. • Give clear instructions. Always elicit one or more answers at the start of a written exercise or provide a model (teacher-student, student- student, etc.) for pair and group work so that all students understand what to do. If you discover at the start of an exercise that many students have misunderstood the instructions, immediately stop the activity to clarify instructions and provide another model. • Monitor and reward students. Walk around the room as individuals, pairs, or groups are working on an activity. Keep an eye on all students so that you know which ones need your help or guidance. Reward students both verbally and non-verbally for their effort and achievement as they work. When students have finished an activity, always perform a check for the class and give feedback.
  9. 9. viii INTRODUCTION Teaching techniques The choice of teaching techniques obviously depends on the individual classroom situation and your preferred teaching style. Below are some suggested techniques: ➤Pair and group work Many of the exercises in Postcards are designed so that students can work in pairs simultaneously. In pair work, students' talking time is increased dramatically, and students engage in extensive practice in a short period of time. It's important to vary pairings in class so each student gets an opportunity to work with a variety of others. Vary pairs by having students work with the student on the left, on the right, in front of, or behind them. To assign pairs efficiently, give explicit verbal instructions and examples, such as Work with the partner on your right. (pointing to the student at the end of the row) You're A. (pointing to the student on his/her right) You're B. (pointing at the next pair) You're A; you're B. (pointing at the next row) You're A; you're B. Etc. You can also form random pairs. This works especially well when you have pairs stand to perform the exercise. Say, for example: Stand and find a partner you haven't worked with before. You have fifteen seconds to find a partner. Everybody, stand and find a partner! Students can work in groups when they do discussions, task-based activities, role-plays, questionnaires, and projects. Group work is an effective vehicle for encouraging cooperation and independent learning. It also provides shy students the opportunity to open up and participate. You can form groups with students of similar ability so that each student is performing at his/her level. Alternatively, you can form groups of students with mixed ability so that the more capable students can help others. As with pairs, vary group members so students are exposed to a variety of others. To assign groups efficiently, give explicit instructions and examples of how students are to form their groups. Setting up: modeling and time limits When students will be working independently in pairs or groups, follow written or verbal instructions with a model to ensure all students understand how to proceed. Depending on student level and the complexity of the task, you may wish to model in more than one of the following ways to make sure students know what to do: • Teacher to self (T-T): T: What's your name? (Pause) I'm Mr. Mori. • Teacher to student (T-S): T: (pointing to student) What's your name? S: I'm Taro. • Student to teacher (S-T): T: (pointing to student) Ask me. S: What's your name? T: I'm Mr. Mori. • Student to student (S-S): T: (pointing to student) Ask Taro. S1: What's your name? S2: I'm Taro. • Student 1 to Student 2 to Student 3, etc., in a chain (S1-S2-S3): T: (pointing to student) Taro, ask Miki. Miki, answer and ask Tomo. Tomo, answer and ask the next student, and so on. S1: What's your name? S2: I'm Miki. What's your name? S3: I'm Tomo. What's your name? S4: I'm . . . To make sure students are focused and work quickly, set a time limit for the task. Warn students halfway through the task how many minutes they have left. Warn them again one minute or so before the time is up. Monitoring and correction After modeling, it's important to move around the classroom and unobtrusively monitor pairs or groups. While monitoring: • Make sure students are demonstrating that they understand how to do the exercise; if most students have not understood, you may need to do another model. • Make sure that students are using the main target language (the grammatical or lexical focus of the practice) correctly; if most students are not, you may want to stop to do a quick review and encourage students to pay attention to language usage. • Don't correct minor errors. Just take note of any important ones or ones which would be helpful for the whole class to give feedback on later. • Move unobtrusively from group to group to help, encourage, and praise students as needed. Listen for pairs or groups with typical or interesting conversations—you may wish to call on these to share their work during the check. Following through: checking After pairs or groups have finished an exercise, it is important to check by calling on a few pairs or groups to present their exchanges, ideas, summaries, etc., to the class. This will allow the class to see typical or interesting examples of pair and group work, and provide feedback and closure. For dialogues and exchanges, call on pairs or groups to stand and perform for the class. For discussions, you may wish to call on one person from the pair or group to summarize the conversation. ➤Repetition and choral practice Repetition and choral practice helps students reproduce and remember sounds, words, and structural patterns. Repeating chorally can also help students gain confidence before they are asked to perform individually. Repetition and choral practice can be used with Dialogues, Putting it together photostories, Grammar focus charts, Pronunciation exercises, Vocabulary lists, Useful expressions, and Communication and Speaking exchanges.
  10. 10. ix INTRODUCTION Options Below are some different patterns for repetition and choral practice: • Whole class: Everyone, repeat after me/the CD. Optimal for the first time a dialogue, exchange, or vocabulary item is presented—the whole class repeats after the teacher or audio. • Half the class at a time: This half of the class repeat after A, then this half of the class after B. Useful for dialogues or exchanges with two roles, or for encouraging competition between two sides of a class for each line of a dialogue or exchange. This can also be done with horizontal or vertical rows: (pointing to the appropriate rows) Even-numbered rows repeat after A, odd-numbered rows repeat after B. • Groups: This group repeats after A, this group after B, and this group after C. Useful with dialogues or exchanges involving multiple roles. Make sure each group gets to repeat after each role once. • Individual checks: Pedro, repeat. Useful for monitoring individual pronunciation and keeping all students actively involved, individual checks can be interspersed with any class or group choral repetition. Techniques A good technique for choral practice is "backchaining," in which students repeat an utterance—usually a sentence—in parts, starting from the end and building up to the complete utterance; for example: Repeat after me, everybody . . . start? . . . movie start? . . . does the movie start? . . . What time does the movie start? The key to effective backchaining is to keep intonation consistent. Choral repetition must be fast-paced and challenging in order to maintain student involvement. A good technique for maintaining pace is "overlapping," or presenting the beginning of a new line or phrase just as students are finishing repeating the previous one; for example: Teacher: How are you? Class: How are you? Teacher: I'm fine, thanks. (as students are saying you) Important stress and intonation patterns can be emphasized by exaggerating and using body language during choral repetition; for example, saying stressed words more loudly and with gestures: What TIME does the movie START? ➤Homework and homework correction The writing exercises in the Student Book and in the Language Booster may be given as homework. It is a good idea to prepare students beforehand for homework by making sure that instructions are understood, clarifying any new vocabulary or expressions, and eliciting one or two exercise items for each step or exercise. Homework can be corrected in the following ways: • Check answers to exercises by eliciting the answers orally in class and writing answers on the board as needed. • Have students correct their partner's exercises using a photocopied answer key or with the teacher reading out the answers. • For written paragraphs and compositions, have students check their partner's work using the Peer editing checklist (page 104 of the Student Book). Suggested procedures for the Student Book The Student Book offers an array of interesting and engaging material that students will enjoy doing in class. Below are some suggested general procedures for each element in the Student Book. ➤Learning goals The Learning goals highlight the main points of Communication, Grammar, and Vocabulary in each unit. Before starting a lesson, you may want to have students look at the Learning goals. Suggested procedures • Draw students' attention to the items in the Communication section; for example, Give and follow instructions (Unit 2). Ask the class to give examples, either in English or L1, of language that they expect to learn in the unit. • Read or call on a student to read aloud the Grammar goals. Don't explain the grammar point at this time; it is enough to introduce students to the terminology at this point. Tell students that they will learn more about the Grammar points in the unit. • Refer students to the word groups listed in the Vocabulary section; for example, Foods for various meals (Unit 2). Elicit examples of English words students already know in these groups. • After students have completed the unit, you may wish to have students refer back to the Learning goals. Ask them to give examples for each of the goals listed, and to confirm that they have met the goal. ➤Large photographs The large photographs that accompany the presentation material at the beginning of each unit are an important teaching resource. They can be used for warm-up and to help students predict the scene of the dialogue or the focus of the activity. They can also be used to elicit key vocabulary or to teach cultural differences between the United States and the students' own culture. After the lesson, the photographs can also be used to review what the students already know about the characters, such as their names, ages, and relationships. Suggested questions for exploiting the large photographs are given in the teaching notes.
  11. 11. x INTRODUCTION ➤Dialogues and Comprehension exercises The dialogues in Postcards develop the storyline and present new structures and functions in context. The following guidelines are for handling dialogues in general. Specific suggestions for teaching the dialogues are given in the lesson notes. Suggested procedures Before you play the dialogue: • Ask questions about the large photograph to set the scene for the dialogue and help students predict what it will be about. • Have students cover the dialogue with a notebook, a piece of paper, or their hand. • Tell them to look at the Comprehension questions. Read or call on students to read the Comprehension questions aloud. Alternatively, have students read the questions silently. Preteach any new vocabulary students will need to understand to answer the questions. Depending on your students' abilities, play the audio once, twice, or three times. After each listening, give your students a moment to complete their answers to the Comprehension questions. You may want to ask students to raise their hands if they would like to listen again. When students have completed the questions: • Have students uncover the dialogue. Play the audio and have students read along to check their answers to the comprehension questions. • Elicit the answers, writing them on the board if needed. If students have difficulty with any of the items, elicit the line(s) of the dialogue where the answer is given. • Play the audio again, stopping at intervals to explain or elicit the meanings of new vocabulary or expressions, to elicit the unit's grammatical structures, or to give background information (see dialogue Background notes in this Teacher's Edition). Some techniques for teaching new vocabulary are: • using real objects in the classroom environment • showing flashcards or magazine pictures • using sketches and diagrams on the board or overhead projector • miming and acting • explaining meanings in simple English • having students use dictionaries Depending on your students' needs and your situation, you may want to either move on to the next exercise at this point, or you may instead want to have students practice the dialogue to further familiarize them with it. Procedures for further practice are: • Read or play the dialogue again, pausing after each sentence or line for students to listen and repeat chorally and individually. Work on students' pronunciation, intonation, and stress. Vary the choral repetition pattern for different dialogues (see Options, page ix) and use a variety of techniques (backchaining, overlapping, exaggeration and body language; see Techniques, page ix). • Assign students to pairs or groups, depending on the number of characters in the dialogue, and have them practice reading aloud. Make sure students switch roles so that each student has the chance to read each role at least once. • Time permitting, after the initial pair or group readings, you may want to do one of the following actitities to increase students' fluency and grasp of the language: • Have students change partners or groups and practice each role again; encourage students to read as quickly and as naturally as they can. • Have students silently read each line, then look up and say it, making eye contact with their partner(s) as they speak. • Have students stand and act out the parts dramatically, using facial expressions and gestures. • After pair or group practice, call on one or two pairs or groups to stand and perform the dialogue in front of the class. ➤Useful expressions The Useful expressions are a selected list of phrases and expressions from the dialogue that are either common collocations or colloquial expressions. The students should learn these as fixed items. Do not attempt to explain the grammar behind the phrases unless the students ask specifically for information of this kind. Useful expressions are recycled in appropriate contexts in the rest of the unit and in the subsequent units. Suggested procedures • Check that the students understand the meanings of the expressions by eliciting the meaning or having them give examples of situations when the expressions are used. • Play the audio and ask the students to repeat the phrases chorally. Work on pronunciation, stress, and intonation as needed. Then have students complete the exercises. • You may want to keep a list of the Useful expressions presented during the course so that you can use them yourself when interacting with students and review them at regular intervals. ➤Vocabulary Vocabulary is presented in lexical groups and practiced through exercises and tasks linked to the grammatical or communicative focus of the unit. The illustrations in Postcards have been carefully chosen to help you teach new vocabulary.
  12. 12. xi INTRODUCTION Suggested procedures • Play the CD and have students practice pronouncing the vocabulary items. Pause the audio and help students as needed. Use the illustration or another teaching device to make sure students understand the vocabulary. • Model or elicit the first one or two exercise items. Then have students work individually, in pairs, or in groups to complete each exercise. Monitor, help, and praise students as they work. When most students are finished, call on students to share their answers with the class. • You may want to have students keep a small notebook in which they list new words and expressions along with their definitions. ➤Pronunciation The Pronunciation exercises isolate and practice important sounds, stress and intonation patterns, as well as suprasegmental features (linking, blending, etc.). Suggested procedures • Briefly introduce the pronunciation feature. Model mouth position for basic sounds; use the board or gestures for stress, intonation, and suprasegmental features. Special tips for teaching each pronunciation item are included in the lesson notes for each unit. • Play the audio and have students practice the target sound several times. Pause the audio and help students as needed. When students are able to form the correct sounds, have them complete the related exercise. Phonetic transcriptions in the Teacher's Edition follow those used in the Longman Dictionary of American English. ➤Grammar focus, Discovering grammar, and Practicing grammar The Grammar focus charts present the grammatical forms or structures taught in a unit. The Grammar focus presentations are always followed by Discovering grammar. This section invites students to learn grammar inductively—that is, to figure out the main grammar rules by themselves. Discovering grammar is followed by the Practicing grammar section, which consists of several practice exercises that enable students to produce the relevant grammatical form or structure presented in the Grammar focus chart. Suggested procedures • Read the grammar chart heading aloud, or call on a student to read it. Explain or elicit any new grammatical terms. • Have students read the examples, either silently or aloud. Tell them to pay particular attention to the parts in boldface. • Ask students to think about the grammar rule or rules involved. Then have them work individually or in pairs to complete the Discovering grammar section. • Elicit answers to the Discovering grammar section. Clarify any difficulties. • Explain or elicit other relevant information about the grammatical item(s) presented in the chart (see specific teaching notes for each lesson, as well as the Grammar reference section at the back of this Teacher's Edition). Refer the students back to the dialogue or presentation text to find examples of the structures, if helpful. • Move on to the Practicing grammar section immediately. These exercises should be done in class rather than as homework. This will enable you to detect any problems the students may have with applying the grammar. The exercises progress from more controlled to less controlled application of the grammar. • For each Practice exercise, model or elicit the first one or two answers or exchanges. Have students work individually, in pairs, or groups to complete each exercise. Walk around the room to monitor, help, and praise students as they work. When the majority of the class is finished, elicit the answers or call on pairs or groups to present to the class. Write answers on the board as needed. ➤Communication The Communication sections focus on the important communicative functions to be practiced in the unit. The communication exchanges either develop the grammar from the unit in a communicative context—for example, Describe people's personalities (Unit 1)—or exemplify communicative sentences without emphasis on the underlying grammar—for example, Make an offer (Unit 3). Suggested procedures • Point out the communicative function to be practiced and play the audio. • Practice the exchanges chorally, using backchaining to help students with overall rhythm and intonation (see Techniques, page ix). • Read the instructions for Exercise B and model the role-play (teacher-student, student-student, etc.). Have students practice in pairs or groups, with each student practicing each role one or more times. To help students internalize and gain fluency with the language, assign new partners and have students practice again; alternatively, have students stand and practice, changing partners several times (say, for example, Practice with at least four other students). • Call on one or more pairs or groups to stand and perform for the class. If helpful, you may want to have students write out the conversation after the oral practice.
  13. 13. xii INTRODUCTION ➤Learn to learn The Learn to learn sections are designed to help students become better language learners. This section presents general learning strategies as well as specific strategies for reading, listening, speaking, writing, and vocabulary acquisition. Students are then given a task with which they can practice applying the learning strategy. Suggested procedures • Read the strategy aloud or call on a student to read it. Elicit or explain how the strategy is helpful. • Tell students that they will now practice using the strategy. Read or call on students to read the task instructions. Model or elicit one or more answers if needed. Then have students complete the task. • After checking the task, ask students if they found the strategy helpful. Elicit when and where they could apply this strategy. • Recycle the strategy whenever applicable: recycle a reading strategy in the next reading exercise, recycle a listening strategy in the next listening exercise, etc. Recycle by reminding students of the strategy, eliciting how to perform it, and asking students to practice applying it. By repeatedly applying the strategy, students will internalize it. ➤Teen talk The Teen talk sections are designed to let students talk about topics of interest in a casual, relaxing manner with little or no teacher intervention. While many of the activities in Postcards focus on accuracy, Teen talk focuses primarily on teen-to-teen communication. It gives students a chance to pay less attention to form and more attention to getting their ideas across in English. Suggested procedures • Read or have students read the instructions, then quickly chorus the Useful language. Follow with a teacher-student or student-student model of the beginning of the discussion. • Assign groups and let students discuss. Walk around and monitor as students work. You may occasionally need to mediate—for example, to encourage shy students to give their opinions— but avoid correcting or offering language help unless asked. • When students have finished, call on several students to share their thoughts and ideas on the topic with the class. ➤Your turn The Your turn section personalizes a topic and allows students to apply recently learned language. The activity may be oral or written. Follow standard procedures for pair, group, or writing activities. ➤Listening There are a variety of types of Listening exercises in Postcards. All include the structures, functions, and vocabulary in focus. Audioscripts may highlight a telephone conversation, an extract from a radio program, an interview, or a recorded continuation of the storyline featuring the main characters. Each listening is accompanied by a simple task such as completing a chart or answering comprehension questions. Some tasks ask students to listen for specific information, while others encourage them to listen for gist rather than at word level. Suggested procedures • Set the context of the Listening. Ask warm-up questions to generate interest. • Make sure that students understand the instructions and task. • Always have students read over the questions, chart, etc., before they begin. Elicit or explain any new words in the task. • Play the audio once for students to grasp the general idea. Ask a few simple comprehension questions. Play the audio again once or twice and have students complete the answers to the task as they listen. If students still have difficulty completing the task after a third listening, play the audio once more and stop at key points where students need to record information. • Check the answers to the task. Replay the audio if helpful. ➤Reading The importance of reading cannot be overestimated. It gives confidence and motivates learning. It provides context for new language and serves as a model for writing. Most important of all, it is a stimulus for ideas and discussion. The reading texts in Postcards are varied in type and length and are often adapted from authentic sources such as brochures, newspapers, and magazines. Suggested procedures • Ask a few general warm-up questions to set the context of the reading. Elicit the title and ask questions about the photographs. Ask students to predict what the reading will cover. • Have students read the instructions and questions or task, explaining any new vocabulary words therein. Make sure students understand what they are to do. • Have the students read the text silently once or twice to themselves. Alternatively, play the audio or read the text aloud the first time with the students following along in their books, then let them read the text again silently. Encourage students to guess the meaning of new words and expressions as they read. • Have the class do the comprehension task, either individually or in pairs.
  14. 14. xiii INTRODUCTION • Check the answers. Elicit or explain the meanings of any key vocabulary items. If helpful, have the students do a final confirmation reading of the text. ➤Writing Writing tasks have a twofold purpose: to consolidate the language in focus and to help students produce specific text types. The detailed lesson notes give guidance for handling specific writing tasks. Suggested procedures • There is often a model reading or set of questions that will help guide students through the Writing exercise. Encourage them to consider the model as they think about and then write their paragraph(s). • Help students brainstorm about what kind of content they might include in their writing. You may wish to do this as a class, in groups, or in pairs. • Encourage students to make notes or an outline before they begin writing. If helpful, review the relevant paragraph structure with your students; for example: • topic sentence • examples or support • conclusion • If students are performing the Writing exercise in class, circulate to monitor and help them. Encourage them to check a dictionary for the spellings of new words. • After students have finished their writing, have them exchange papers with a partner and mark their partner's work using the Peer editing checklist on page 104. Then have students take back and correct their writing before turning it in to you. You may wish to have students use the following correction symbols when marking each others' work: sp = spelling gr = grammar wo = word order v = vocabulary p = punctuation ➤Putting it together Putting it together is a photostory activity that occurs at the end of odd-numbered units (Units 1, 3, and 5). It features the main characters and consolidates previously learned language with a predicting and listening activity. Follow standard listening activity procedures. You may want to extend this section by treating the photostory text as a dialogue with chorusing and pronunciation work, pair or group practice, and dramatic enactment. The photographs and dialogue can also be used to discuss American life and culture and compare it with students' own. ➤Progress checks The Progress checks are found after every two units (Units 2, 4, and 6). They give students a chance to measure their progress on a regular basis. Each begins with a Test-taking tip to help students learn strategies for doing their best on tests. The Progress check tasks are divided into three sections: Grammar, Vocabulary, and Communication. There is also a Now I can . . . checklist for students to reflect on what they have learned in the previous two units. To calculate student scores on the Progress checks, simply total the number of possible points per section (the number of items minus the examples). Then divide the number of correct responses by the total number of points. For example, on a test with 63 possible points, a student answered 46 correctly. Divide 46, the number of correct responses, by 63, the number of possible points. The calculation (46 ÷ 63 = .73) results in a score of 73%. Optional Sections The following are optional sections that can be done with or after units. Suggestions as to teaching procedure and when to complete each activity are listed at the optional point of use. You may wish to use all of these activities or just a few, depending on your situation and student needs. ➤Games Games are found after Units 2 and 5 of the Student Book. The Games are designed to practice relevant grammar and vocabulary in a relaxed and fun format. They provide students with the opportunity to consolidate language while having fun. ➤Projects Projects are found after each game. These Projects provide students with the opportunity to produce a piece of work based on their own input and ideas, while at the same time consolidating and expanding on the language they have learned. Project work fosters creativity, learner independence, and cooperation with other students. Make sure that you and the students can give sufficient time to each Project. Some may be completed in one or two class hours, while others are longer-term assignments. ➤Wide Angle on the world Wide Angle readings come after every third unit. Each expands on a theme from previous units. Wide angle offers additional integrated practice in reading, speaking, listening, writing, vocabulary development, and learning strategies. ➤Fun with grammar Throughout the units, students are referred to the Fun with grammar activities located in the back of the Student Book. These grammar-based competitions are designed to be fun while at the same time allow for review and reinforcement of unit content.
  15. 15. xiv INTRODUCTION ➤Fun with songs The Fun with songs section is found at the end of the Student Book. These song projects provide an opportunity for students to take a break and relax, listen to and discuss music and musicians, and gain a greater appreciation and understanding of English songs. ➤Focus on culture Focus on culture pages are found at the end of the Student Book. These readings allow students to gain cross-cultural understanding through the study of other cultures and comparisons with their own. Each Focus on culture spread includes discussion and writing practice. Special Features in the Teacher's Edition ➤Background notes Background notes in this Teacher's Edition present in-depth information on U.S. and world culture as touched on in the dialogues, exercises, and readings presented in the Student Book. Relevant information from the notes can be shared with students to increase their cross-cultural understanding. ➤Focus on multiple intelligences Recognizing that students have a variety of learning styles and abilities, teaching suggestions in this Teacher's Edition include notes on activities with a strong focus on multiple intelligences. These activities will benefit students with natural affinities for specific intelligences and related learning styles. At the same time, focusing on different intelligences can help all students explore and further develop a wider range of learning modes. The intelligences highlighted in the teaching notes are: Kinesthetic: Students with a strong kinesthetic, or bodily, intelligence will learn well when engaging in activities involving motor skills. Activities such as hands-on projects, games, total physical response exercises (TPR), and the acting out of dialogues and scripts with movement and gestures stimulate kinesthetic intelligence. Visual: A student with visual/spacial intelligence responds to visual representations and is good at creating mental images. Making or using pictures, diagrams, graphic organizers, maps, symbols, photos or videos, etc., will be helpful for this type of learner, as will activities involving visualizing. Auditory: A student with strong auditory/musical intelligence is sensitive to sounds and patterns of rhythm, intonation, and pitch. Students with this type of intelligence will be stimulated by activities involving sound—pronunciation and intonation work, listening exercises, songs, jazz chants, etc. Logical: A student with developed logical/ mathematical intelligence is good at thinking logically, recognizing patterns, and doing calculations. A logical learner will benefit from activities involving deductive and inductive thinking, classification, rules, and processes. Linguistic: Students with a high degree of linguistic intelligence are talented at extracting meaning from text and using language to express meaning. They tend to be good at learning languages and generally have an affinity for writing, reading, summarizing, giving speeches, and other language-based activities. Interpersonal: Students with a high degree of interpersonal intelligence have a developed sensitivity to others and learn well through social interactions. Pair and group work, collaborative learning, interviewing, writing dialogues, and reflecting on social situations presented in dialogues are examples of activities helpful to an interpersonal learner. Intrapersonal: A student who is self-reflective and sensitive to his or her own feelings tends to have a high degree of intrapersonal intelligence. Independent work, self-assessment, self-reflection, personalizing, journal-writing, and thinking about one's personal reaction to situations and topics will be of benefit to the intrapersonal learner. ➤Focus on values As the classroom is one of the best places to help young people develop values and character, each unit of the Teacher's Edition includes notes focusing on values. The characters and situations presented in the dialogues and photostories are modeled after real teens and thus present numerous opportunities for reflection on appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Focus on values notes provide suggestions on how to help students recognize and react to implicit and explicit values, attitudes, and behavior in dialogues and photostories. ➤Cross-curricular activities The Teacher's Edition includes Cross-curricular activity suggestions for each unit of the Student Book. These activities encourage students to use—and sometimes expand—their knowledge of social studies, science, literature, and the arts while practicing English. ➤Home/School connection Parents play a fundamental role in the education of their children. The more they get involved and encourage their children to work at home, the better results students achieve. For this reason the Teacher's Edition provides Home/School connection suggestions on increasing parental involvement in students' English education. ➤Grammar reference The Grammar reference section found at the end of the Teacher's Edition provides in-depth grammatical
  16. 16. xv INTRODUCTION background about the structures and elements in each of the grammar charts in the Student Book. The Grammar reference section provides any necessary grammatical information the teacher needs to successfully teach the unit grammar. Depending on the level and prior knowledge of students, the teacher may wish to share or elicit some or all of this extra grammatical information in class. ➤Unit and Quarterly tests Photocopiable Unit and Quarterly tests (every three units), as well as their answer keys, are found at the end of the Teacher's Edition. The answer keys specify the total number of possible points for each test: 50 points for Unit tests and 150 points for Quarterly tests. To calculate student scores, simply divide the number of correct responses by the total number of possible points. For example, on a test with 50 possible points, a student answered 45 correctly. Divide 45, the number of correct responses, by 50, the number of possible points. The calculation (45 ÷ 50 = .90) results in a score of 90 percent. ➤Student self-evaluation checklists A photocopiable Student self-evaluation checklist is found at the end of the Teacher's Edition. You may copy and give this to students after each unit so that they may reflect on and assess their own progress. ➤Certificate of completion The Certificate of completion at the back of this Teacher's Edition may be photocopied and given to students at the successful completion of this course. The certificate serves as a concrete symbol of the effort and progress the student has made in his or her English study.
  17. 17. Mr. and Mrs. Evans Mr. and Mrs. PotterMr. and Mrs. Dursley Dudley Dursley Harry Potter Marjorie Dursley Vernon Dursley Petunia Evans Lily Evans James Potter only child Vocabulary 1 Personal information Read the information. Then complete the form with your own information. Last name First name Age Address Tel. no. E-mail Hudson Kathleen 13 61 Park Avenue (212) 555-3586 New York, NY 10303 U.S.A. 2 Relationships The family A. Read the family words. • grandfather and grandmother = grandparents • father and mother = parents • son and daughter = children • brother • uncle • sister • cousin • aunt • only child B. PAIRS. Write some of the words from Exercise A in Harry Potter's family tree. Friends A. Read the words and look at the pictures. B. Write names below the pictures where appropriate. classmates neighbor pet girlfriendboyfriendbest friend friends 2 Let's get started.
  18. 18. T2 TEACHER'SNOTES Vocabulary 1 Personal information (10 min.) A. • Have students open their books. Hold up your book and point to the personal information form for Exercise A. Say Read Kathleen's personal information. • Have students repeat the following, working on pronunciation as needed: Kathleen Hudson is 13 years old. She lives at sixty-one Park Avenue, New York, New York. Her zip code is one-oh-three-oh-three. She lives in the United States. Her phone number is two-one-two, five-five-five, three-five-eight-six. Her e-mail address is kat (that's k-a-t) one-two-three at mail dot com. • Call on individual students to answer the following questions: What is Kathleen's last name? (Hudson) How old is she? (13 years old) What's her street address? (61 Park Avenue) What city does she live in? (New York) What state does she live in? (New York) What's her zip code? (10303) What's her phone number? (212-555-3586) What's her e-mail address? ( • Say Now complete the form with your own information. Model the activity by writing your (real or fictitious) personal information on the board. • Have students complete the form with their own personal information. Walk around to monitor and help as students write. Extension • Assign pairs. Have students study their information while you write the following questions on the board: What's your first name? What's your last name? How old are you? What's your street address? What city do you live in? What state do you live in? What's your zip code? What's your phone number? What's your e-mail address? Tell students to exchange books and ask and answer the questions. Partners should check that the information given matches what was written. 2 Relationships The family (10 min.) A. • Hold up your book and point to the family words. Point to and read these aloud as students say each after you. Work on pronunciation, repeating difficult items as needed. B. • PAIRS. Point to Harry Potter's family tree. Ask questions to familiarize students with the tree and related family words. Ask, for example, Who are Harry Potter's parents? (Lily Evans and James Potter) Who are his grandparents? (Mr. and Mrs. Evans and Mr. and Mrs. Potter) What is his aunt's name? (Petunia Evans) What is his uncle's name? (Vernon Dursley) What is his cousin's name? (Dudley Dursley) Is Dudley an only child? (yes) • Read the directions aloud and model the task by writing a family word on the family tree in your book. Then assign pairs and have students work with a partner to label Harry Potter's family tree. Walk around to monitor as students work. • Check by calling out names from the family tree and asking the person's relationship to Harry; for example, ask Who's James Potter? (Harry Potter's father) Who's Vernon Dursley? (Harry Potter's uncle) Answer key Mr. and Mrs. Potter = grandparents, Vernon Dursley = uncle, Petunia Evans = aunt, Lily Evans = mother, James Potter = father, Dudley Dursley = cousin Friends (10 min. or less) A. • Point to and read the friends vocabulary aloud as students say the words after you. Work on pronunciation as needed. Check students' understanding of the terms by asking questions such as This person lives near you. What do you call this person? (a neighbor) This person is in your class at school. What do you call this person? (a classmate) B. • Read the instructions aloud. Model the activity by asking a student about several of his or her friends, then having the student write their names in his or her book; for example, ask What's a classmate's name? What's your best friend's name? • Check by eliciting several names from different students for each of the relationship words.
  19. 19. T3 TEACHER'SNOTES 4. Everyday activities (15–20 min.) A. • Point to and read the phrases aloud as students listen and repeat. • Ask students to study the pictures for a minute. Then have students cover the words and look at the pictures. Quickly chorus the vocabulary again, repeating difficult items as necessary. B. • PAIRS. Point to and read the instructions aloud. Then elicit question words and write them on the board; for example, Do, Does, When, What time, Where, Why. Next, elicit questions students could ask with these words and the first phrase, wake up. (What time do you wake up? Does your family wake up at 6:00? When does your mother wake up? Why do you wake up at 6:00?) • Model the activity with a student by asking him or her each of the questions. • Assign pairs and encourage students to give extended answers when possible. Walk around to monitor and help. • Check by asking questions and calling on different students to answer; for example, What time do you wake up on school days, Karen? What about you, Luis? Mika, what about you? Multiple intelligences focus: this activity focuses on linguistic and interpersonal intelligences. • Tell students to close their books. Have students form a group of four with another pair. They will take turns telling the group all they can remember about their partner's everyday activities; for example, Suzanne wakes up at 6:45 and then she takes a shower and brushes her teeth. Then she . . . Encourage students to go quickly and see who remembered the most details. 3. Classroom commands (10 min.) A. Multiple intelligences focus: this activity focuses on kinesthetic intelligence. • Call on a student to read the instructions aloud. Then hold up your book. Point to each command, read it aloud, and have the class repeat after you. • Say each command again, have students repeat, then model performing the command. Have students perform the command after you. (You may want to practice this activity before class so that you have clearly different gestures for similar commands, such as imagine, think, and guess.) Then say each command again in random order and have students act it out with you. Continue until you feel students have learned the actions that go with each command. B. • PAIRS. Call on a student to read the instructions aloud. Then assign pairs, indicating which student in each pair is Student A and which is Student B. (Pointing, say You're a pair. You're Student A. You're Student B.) Model performing the activity with a student. Then call on a pair to stand and model it for the class. • Have students do the activity in pairs. • To check, have the class close their books. Act out the commands in random order and have the class say them aloud. To make this more fun and challenging, pick up the speed of your actions as you proceed.
  20. 20. 3 Classroom commands A. Look at the pictures and read the commands. 6. leave the house5. have breakfast4. brush my teeth3. take a shower2. get up1. wake up B. PAIRS. Take turns. Student A, act out a command from Exercise A. Student B, guess the command. Act out at least three commands each. 4 Everyday activities A. Read the phrases and look at the pictures. 12. Underline. 7. Circle. 10. List.9. Draw. 6. Think. 8. Imagine. 3. Describe. 5. Discuss. 1. Cover. What do you think? I think . . . 11. Guess. Are you famous? No. Try again. 2. Take turns. Your turn. 4. Repeat. How old are you? How old are you? B. PAIRS. Ask each other questions using some of the phrases in Exercise A. 12. go to bed11. do my homework10. have dinner9. get home from school7. go to school 8. have lunch Brooke is short and pretty. 3Let's get started.
  21. 21. Grammar 5 Nouns A. Write two more examples for each category. Category Example months January, days of the week Sunday, classroom objects board, colors red, countries Spain, rooms of a house kitchen, places in a town park, occupations teacher, B. What words begin with capital letters in Exercise A? Give one more example for each. 1. places: India , 2. things: Apple computer , 3. people: Mr. Sandler , 6 Pronouns A. Fill in the missing object pronouns. Subject Object I me You He She It it We You you They B. Write the subject pronouns from Exercise A in the correct column. First person Second person Third person I 7 Adjectives Look at the adjectives. Match them with at least two nouns from the box. game girl hair house magazine mall man movie park test 1. beautiful: beautiful girl , 2. big: , 3. boring: , 4. easy: , 5. expensive: , 6. interesting: , 7. long: , 8. short: , 9. tall: , 10. young: , 8 Verbs Fill in the past form. Base form Simple past form be bring come dance do eat get up go have/has put sing take tell walk write 4 Let's get started.
  22. 22. T4 TEACHER'SNOTES Grammar 5 Nouns (5 min.) A. • Read the instructions aloud. Have students look at the chart. Read each category and example aloud and have students repeat. • Elicit or explain the difference between a common noun (places, people, or things—these usually start with a small letter) and a proper noun (the name of a particular place, person, or thing—these usually start with a capital letter). B. • Read the instructions aloud. Elicit other examples of proper nouns for places, things, and people. • Have students work individually. Check by eliciting several answers for each category. 6 Pronouns (5 min.) A. • Read the instructions. Elicit or explain the meaning of pronoun (a word that can stand for a noun that was already mentioned or understood). • Explain that some pronouns are used as the subject of a sentence (I, you, he, it, etc.), and that some are used as the object of a sentence (me, you, it, etc.). Write the following on the board and tell students to refer to it if necessary when completing the object pronouns: They like . • Have students work individually to fill in the object pronouns. Check by calling on different students. Write the answers on the board. Answer key I–me, You–you, He–him, She–her, It–it, We–us, You–you, They–them B. • Read the instructions. Elicit or explain the meaning of first-, second-, and third-person pronouns. Elicit one answer for each column. • Have students compare their lists with a partner before you elicit the answers. Answer key First person: I, we Second person: you Third person: he, she, it, they 7 Adjectives (10 min.) • Read the instructions. Elicit or explain the meaning of adjective (a word used to describe a noun). Tell students that adjectives usually come before nouns. • Elicit the meanings of any adjectives that might be unfamiliar. Point to the example and tell students that there are several possible answers. Elicit several answers for number 1. • Have students work individually to complete the exercise. Check by eliciting several answers for each item. Answer key Answers will vary. 8 Verbs (10 min.) • Read the instructions. Elicit or explain the meaning of simple past form (the verb form used to talk about completed actions). Elicit the past tense forms of be (was/were) and bring (brought) and write them on the board. • Have students work individually before comparing their answers with a partner. • Elicit the simple past tense forms from individual students and write them on the board. • Chorus the base form and past tense forms. Tell students to study the past tense forms for a minute. Then tell students to close their books and quickly elicit the past tense forms at random; for example, Take? (took) Eat? (ate) Do? Be sure to keep up the pace by overlapping as you go through the verbs. Answer key be–was/were bring–brought come–came dance–danced do–did eat–ate get up–got up go–went have/has–had put–put sing–sang take–took tell–told walk–walked write–wrote
  23. 23. T5 TEACHER'SNOTES 9 Prepositions of location (10 min.) A. • Ask students to close their books. Write the following on the board: A: Where the book? B: The book on the table. A: Where the books? B: The books on the desk. • Elicit the correct form of be and fill in the blanks. Cross out The book and The books from the answers and elicit the subject pronouns. (It, They) • Elicit or explain the meaning of preposition. (a word that shows where a noun is in relation to another noun or nouns) • Have students look at the pictures as you chorus the questions and answers. B. • PAIRS. Read the instructions and example aloud. Elicit items in the classroom that students could ask about and write them on the board. (Try to make sure there are both singular and plural nouns.) • Ask two students to stand and model the activity using items on the board. • Assign pairs and have students practice. Remind them that they need to be careful with is/are and it/they. • To check, call on several pairs to ask and answer about items in the classroom. You may also want to describe where items are and then have students guess the items; for example, say It's on the wall. It's above the board. 10 This/These; That/Those (10 min.) A. • Read the instructions. Have students look at the pictures as you chorus the statements. Elicit or explain that this/these are used to refer to items near the speaker and that/those refer to things that are farther away. Provide further examples and chorus with the class; for example, This is my pen. These are my pens. That's a window. Those are windows. B. • PAIRS. Read the instructions and chorus the example with the class. • Model with a student, taking A's role. Be sure to show switching roles. Ask and have the student ask about items that are both near and far away. • Assign pairs and have students practice. Remind them that they need to be careful with this/these and that/those. • To check, have a student ask about an item in the classroom and call on students who are nearby and farther away to answer. Communication 11 Ask and answer questions (5 min.) A. • 2 Read the instructions aloud and play the audio. Have students repeat. B. • PAIRS. Read the instructions. If helpful, review months and ordinal numbers by writing dates on the board; for example: 1/1 (January first), 2/2 (February second), 3/3 (March third), 4/4 (April fourth), 5/5 (May fifth) . . . up to 12/12 (December twelfth). Elicit and chorus the dates, working on syllable stress and pronunciation. • Call on a pair to model asking and answering. • Have students ask and answer in pairs. Walk around to monitor. • To check, call on different pairs to perform each exchange. 12 Say goodbye (5 min.) A. • Read the instructions aloud. Then chorus each of the expressions, eliciting the meanings of any that might be unfamiliar. B. • Read the instructions. Elicit possible responses from individual students. Write these on the board and have students use them to fill in the blanks. Answer key 1. Thanks. / You, too. / Bye. / See you. 2. Bye. / See you. 3. Sure. / You, too. / See you. / Bye. 4. Thanks. / You, too. / See you. / Bye. 5. You, too. / See you. / Bye. / Thanks. • Have students stand and practice saying goodbye with several other students. Encourage them to use several different expressions, responses, and gestures. • Be sure to encourage students to use these expressions at the end of this class and following classes!
  24. 24. 9 Prepositions of location A. Read the sentences and look at the pictures. Where's the balloon? It's under the table. It's behind the computer. Where are the CDs? They're in the bag. They're on the bag. Where's the balloon? It's above the table. It's in front of the TV. B. PAIRS. Take turns. Ask where four classroom objects are. Use prepositions of location in your answers. A: Where are your books? B: They're in my bag. Where's the teacher's bag? A: It's . . . 10 This/These; That/Those A. Read the sentences and look at the pictures. This is my book. These are my books. That's an apple. Those are apples. B. PAIRS. Point to two things that are near you and two things that are far from you. Ask your classmate what the objects are. Switch roles. For example: A: What's this? B: It's a ruler. A: What are those on the teacher's table? B: Those are dictionaries. Your turn. Communication 11 Ask and answer questions A. 2 Listen to the questions and the answers. A: What's today's date? B: It's February 13th. A: What time is it? B: It's twelve o'clock. A: What day is it? B: It's Wednesday. A: What year is it? B: It's 2010. A: When's your birthday? B: It's on November 8th. B. Take turns. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise A. Give true answers. 12 Say goodbye A. Read the expressions below. 1. Good luck. Thanks. 2. Goodbye. 3. Keep in touch. 4. Have a great weekend/day/trip. 5. Take care. B. Write the appropriate response below each expression in Exercise A. A response can be used to respond to several expressions in Exercise A. • Sure. • Bye./See you. • Thanks./Thank you. • You, too. 5Let's get started.
  25. 25. Learning goals Communication Describe someone's personality Grammar Review of the simple present Possessive pronouns: mine, yours (sing.), hers, his, ours, yours (pl.), theirs Whose? Vocabulary Personality traits 1 Reading 3 Read along as you listen to Alex and his friends. I'm Lori Hudson. I'm 15. Diane, Karen, and I are friends. We're all in Teen Scene. We're also in Green Fire, a dance and music group. I'm shy, except when I'm performing. My mom tells me I'm very competitive. I always try to be the best. My name's Karen Jackson, and I'm 14. I'm from Los Angeles, but now I live in New York City. I love Broadway! I go to a lot of shows. I'm also outgoing and friendly, like Diane. That's why we click. Hi. I'm Joseph Sanders, but my nickname's Joe. I'm also 15. Diane, my sister, says I'm a bookworm because I enjoy reading. I love books. Alex and I are best friends, but we're opposites. He's easygoing, but I'm a little serious. Alex is pretty popular with girls. Hi. My name's Alex Romero. I'm 15 years old. I'm a member of Teen Scene, a drama and music group. I play the guitar. I'm easygoing, and I'm not shy! Hello. I'm Diane Sanders, and I'm 14 years old. My brother Joe and I are very different. I'm outgoing and friendly, but he's quiet and studious. He's also really smart. 6 Unit 1
  26. 26. T6 TEACHER'SNOTES Learning strategy • Expand your vocabulary Pronunciation • Linking words in connected speech Skills • Identify people from descriptions • Listen for specific information to complete a chart • Describe people's personalities • Talk about yourself • Write about your ideal person Learning goals The following are additional learning goals in this unit: Background notes Many communities in the United States have organizations that give young people a chance to put on musical and dance performances. Membership in such groups is usually limited to a certain age range, such as ages nine to thirteen or fourteen to eighteen. These groups are often sponsored by local religious or philanthropic associations, college outreach programs, or social service agencies. Under the guidance of an older supervisor, the teens take charge of all aspects of the performances: they sing, act, play instruments, make costumes, build stage sets, make advertising posters, and sell tickets. Group members typically put on two or three shows a year. These young people also take trips to see professional performances and enjoy other social activities together. Community groups give teenagers something exciting and meaningful to do with their free time. Warm-up (5 min.) • Introduce yourself to the class. Write these sentence starters on the board: My name's . . . , I like . . . , I don't like . . . Use these sentence starters to tell students some personal things about you; for example, Hi/Hello. My name's . . . I like pizza. I don't like loud music. Point out that Hi is more casual than Hello. Have students say these sentence starters after you as a whole class or in groups. • Ask each student to stand and introduce him/ herself to you. In addition to their names, have students tell you at least one thing they like and one thing they dislike. • Have students open their books. Tell them that the characters in Postcards will introduce themselves today. Read the unit title aloud. Using the large photo (5 min. or less) • Hold up your book, point to the pictures, and ask questions about them. For example, ask How many people are there? (six) How many guys are there? (three) How many girls? (three) One guy is not a student. Which one do you think he is? (the man on the right, Paul Chan) • You may want to have students preview the adjectives that the characters use to describe themselves. Point to the picture of Alex and ask What adjectives does Alex use to describe himself or his personality? (easygoing, not shy) Write these words on the board under the heading adjectives. You may want to teach or elicit the meanings of these words now. Alternately, you may want to wait until after students have had a chance to read the paragraphs and make guesses as to their meanings. 1 Reading (5 min.) • 3 Pointing to Alex's introduction, say Read along as you listen to Alex and his friends. Encourage students to guess the meaning of new words as they read. Play the audio. • Have students read the profiles again silently.
  27. 27. T7 TEACHER'SNOTES 2 Comprehension (5 min.) A. • Hold up your book, point to the directions, and read them aloud. Read the first item and elicit or explain the meaning of director. Call on a student to read the answer. Tell students to try to answer these questions without looking back at the text. Elicit the answer to the second item from the class. • Have students work individually or in pairs to complete the exercise. B. • 4 Read the directions aloud or call on a student to read them. Play the audio as students read the introductions again and check their answers. • Elicit the answers by reading the sentence clues aloud and calling on students to give the names of the characters. As you elicit the answers, check understanding of other vocabulary in the introductions, such as drama group, nickname, bookworm, opposites, pretty, popular, performing, Broadway, click, and challenging. Also teach the meanings of the personality adjectives if you have not yet done so. Answer key 1. Paul Chan 2. Joseph (Joe) Sanders 3. Karen Jackson 4. Diane Sanders 5. Alex Romero 6. Lori 3 Vocabulary (20 min.) A. • Call on a student to read the directions. Ask students to read through the adjectives and definitions. Then ask the class which words are new to them; elicit or explain their meanings. • Call on a student to read the first word and its definition. Then read the second word aloud and elicit its definition. • Have students work in pairs to complete the exercise. • Elicit answers by reading each adjective and calling on a student to give the definition. Answer key 1.b 2. c 3. g 4. e 5. f 6. h 7.i 8. k 9. j 10. d 11. a B. • PAIRS. Tell students that they will work with a partner in this exercise. Read the instructions aloud. Holding up your book, point to the example exchange and say You and your partner will take turns talking about your personalities. One of you will be Student A and the other Student B. Read the example exchange aloud and have students repeat it after you. • Model the activity with a strong student. Say I'm Student A and you're Student B. Let's talk about ourselves using the adjectives in Exercise 3. With the student, go down the list and take turns explaining how each adjective applies (or doesn't apply) to you; for example, I'm kind of serious, but I'm not very quiet. How about you? • Pair students. You may want to give explicit instructions; for example, say Maria, work with Jose. Maria, you're A; Jose, you're B. • To check, call on one or more pairs to perform in front of the class. C. • GROUPS. Read the directions aloud. Group students. You can do this by telling two student pairs in Exercise B to get together; for example, Maria and Jose, form a group with Laura and Ken. You might also ask students to form random groups of four or five by themselves. • Model the activity; for example, say She's outgoing and fun. She's not very quiet and not shy at all. Who is she? Ask the class to guess who this student is. • Walk around, encouraging students and helping as needed. • To conclude the exercise, have a group present in front of the class and ask other students to guess who the group members are describing. Have students complete Workbook Exercises 1–3. Learn to learn (5 min.) • Hold up your book and point to the Learn to learn section. Explain, in L1 if necessary, that learning strategies help students learn faster and more easily. Read the strategy line and explain or elicit the meaning. • Call on students to read the directions and adjectives aloud. Elicit the opposites pair studious and lazy. Make sure you have enough dictionaries for students to use. Alternately, preteach the meanings of lazy, talkative, boring, and the prefix –un. • Have students work individually or in pairs to complete the activity. • Elicit answers by saying a word and asking students for its opposite. Answer key 1. b 2. f 3. g 4. a 5. d 6. e 7. c
  28. 28. 2 Comprehension A. Write the names of the characters. 1. He's the director of Teen Scene. Paul Chan 2. Alex is his best friend. 3. She's from Los Angeles. 4. She's Joe's sister. 5. He plays the guitar. 6. She's in Green Fire with Diane and Karen. B. 4 Read along as you listen again. Check your answers. 3 Vocabulary Personality traits A. Match each personality trait with the correct definition. 1. popular b a. makes a lot of rules to be followed 2. easygoing b. liked by a lot of people 3. quiet c. not easily upset; usually not worried 4. studious d. enjoyable or entertaining 5. smart e. spends a lot of time studying 6. serious f. intelligent 7. outgoing g. very calm; not noisy or loud 8. shy h. very sensible; usually works hard 9. competitive i. enjoys meeting new people 10. fun j. determined to be better than other people 11. strict k. uncomfortable around other people B. PAIRS. Which of the adjectives in Exercise A describe you? Talk with a classmate. For example: A: I'm pretty easygoing, but I'm also shy. What about you? B: I'm not shy at all. I'm very outgoing. C. GROUPS. Form groups of four. Choose adjectives from Exercise A that describe one of your classmates. Describe that person to the members of your group and have them guess the person's name. Expand your vocabulary. When you learn a new adjective, try to learn its opposite, too. This will double your vocabulary. Match the adjectives with their opposites. Use a dictionary if you need to. 1. studious a. shy 2. friendly b. lazy 3. fun c. strict 4. outgoing d. unpopular 5. popular e. talkative 6. quiet f. unfriendly 7. easygoing g. boring Learn to learn I'm Paul Chan, the director of Teen Scene. I'm 26. I enjoy working with teenagers. They're fun, but they're also challenging. I'm serious, but I'm not strict. I'm just a perfectionist! 7Unit 1
  29. 29. Discovering grammar Look at the grammar chart. Answer the questions. 1. What are the simple affirmative present forms of the verb be? , , 2. What words do Yes/No questions with be begin with? , 3. What are some examples of question words used in information questions? , , , Practicing grammar 4 Practice A. Write affirmative (+) and negative (–) statements, describing each person. Use the verb be and the adjectives you have learned. 1. Alex: (+) Alex is popular with girls. (–) He's not shy. 2. Lori: (+) (–) 3. Paul: (+) (–) 4. Karen and Diane: (+) (–) 5. Joe: (+) (–) 6. Diane: (+) (–) B. GROUPS. Imagine you are one of the characters. Describe yourself to your classmates. They will try to guess which character you are. 5 Practice PAIRS. Ask and answer Yes/No questions about people in your class. Use the cues and any of your classmates' names. 1. shy A: Is Ann shy? B: No, she's not./Yes, she is. 2. outgoing 3. talkative 4. competitive 5. serious GRAMMAR FOCUS Review of the simple present: be Affirmative statements Negative statements I'm 15. I'm not in Teen Scene. Diane is outgoing. Diane's not shy. / Diane isn't shy. Lori and Diane are friends. They're not sisters. / They aren't sisters. We're in Green Fire. We're not in Green Fire. / We aren't in Green Fire. Yes/No questions Affirmative answers Negative answers Are you in Teen Scene? Yes, I am. No, I'm not. Is Diane outgoing? Yes, she is. No, she's not./No, she isn't. Are Alex and Joe best friends? Yes, they are. No, they're not./No, they aren't. Information questions Short answers Long answers Who is she? My teacher. She's my teacher. How old are you? Fifteen. I'm 15. Where are they? At school. They're at school. 8 Unit 1
  30. 30. T8 TEACHER'SNOTES Grammar Focus and Discovering grammar (10 min. or less) Review of the simple present: be ☞See Grammar reference, page 98. • Tell students that you will review some grammatical terms. Write on the board I'm shy. Next to it, write I'm not shy. Ask Which one is a negative statement? (the second sentence) What do you call the other sentence? (an affirmative statement) • Hold up your book and point to the grammar chart. Point to the boldfaced subheadings Affirmative statements and Negative statements, read them aloud, and have students repeat after you. • Point to the grammar chart and say I'll read the affirmative statements aloud and you read the negative statements aloud. Go through the statements quickly to maintain student interest. Do the same with the rest of the items in the chart. • Tell students to read the Discovering grammar directions. Elicit the answers to the first item as an example. Then have students work in pairs to complete the exercise. • Elicit the answers to the rest of the items from the class. Answer key 1. am, is, are 2. Is, Are 3. Who, How, Where, (What, When, Why) • Use the board to teach or elicit other important information about the simple present of be, such as the sentence pattern subject + verb + complement; how to make a Yes/No question by reversing the order of subject and verb; and how to make an information question. (See the Grammar reference.) Practicing grammar 4 Practice (15 min.) A. • Call on a student to read the directions aloud. Elicit the answers for the first two items. Tell students they can refer to the reading to make their statements. • Have students work individually or in pairs to complete the exercise. • Elicit the students' statements and write them on the board under the appropriate heading. Answer key 1. (+) Alex is popular with girls. (–) He's not shy. 2. (+) Lori is shy/competitive. (–) She's not shy when she's performing. 3. (+) Paul is serious. (–) He's not strict. 4. (+) Karen and Diane are outgoing/friendly. (–) They're not shy/unfriendly/unpopular. 5. (+) Joe is serious/quiet/studious. (–) He's not outgoing/ talkative/lazy. 6. (+) Diane is outgoing/friendly. (–) She's not shy/quiet. B. • GROUPS. Read the directions aloud. Model by giving a description yourself and asking the class to guess which character you are. • Have students form groups of three or four. Walk around to monitor, praise, and help students. • Conclude the exercise by calling on several students to stand and describe themselves. Have the class guess which character they are. Focus on multiple intelligences: this activity focuses on auditory intelligence. • To practice contractions, write the following chant on the board: I am, I'm. You are, You're. He is, He's. She is, She's. It is, It's. We are, We're. They are, They're. There they are. • Read or chant each line aloud and ask the class to repeat. To emphasize the beat, clap your hands or snap your fingers while chanting the lines. (Each line gets three beats with the stress on the bold words.) Next, have the class do the chant once or twice in unison. Finally, divide the class into four groups and assign each line to one group. 5 Practice (5 min.) • PAIRS. Call on a student to read the instructions aloud. Holding up your book, point to the first item and the example exchange. Say Use the cue to ask and answer about your classmates. What's the cue word for number 1? (shy) • Demonstrate the activity with a strong student. Say I'll be A and you'll be B. Model the exchange using the cue shy and a real student's name. Then, to demonstrate switching roles, say Now we'll switch roles. (Student's name) will be A and I'll be B. • Assign pairs. Remind students to maintain eye contact with each other as they practice. • Call on pairs to perform their exchanges in front of the class.
  31. 31. T9 TEACHER'SNOTES 6 Practice • Turn to page 68 and have students play a game. 7 Practice (10 min.) A. • Call on a student to read the directions. Hold up your book and point to the first item. Say In number 1, the word in parentheses is the question word. It starts your information question. The question word is Who. What follows the question word? (the be verb is) Elicit the information question. (Who's Paul?) • Elicit the information question for the second item. Then have pairs work together to complete the exercise. Remind students to use contractions whenever possible. • Call on pairs to read aloud their information questions to the class. Write them on the board. Answer key 1. Who's Paul? 2. What's Teen Scene? 3. How old is Paul? 4. What's Green Fire? 5. Who are the Green Fire members? 6. What's Lori's last name? 7. Who's from Los Angeles? B. • PAIRS. Read the directions aloud. With a strong student, demonstrate taking turns asking and answering the first two information questions. • Walk around as students practice. To check, call on a different pair to ask and answer each question. Answer key 1. He's the director of Teen Scene. 2. It's a drama and music group. 3. He's twenty-six. 4. It's a dance and music group. 5. Diane, Karen, and Lori are Green Fire members. 6. Karen is from Los Angeles. Have students complete Workbook Exercises 4–6 and Grammar Builder Exercises 1–3. 8 Communication (20 min.) A. • 5 Pointing to Exercise A, say Read along as you listen to the conversation. Play the audio once, then ask questions about the exchange, such as How many people are talking? (two) What are they talking about? (Adam's personality) What's Adam like? (He looks really cool, but he's pretty shy.) • 5 Play the audio again once or twice, pausing for students to repeat. To help students with overall rhythm and intonation, you may want to use "backchaining." Another good technique is "overlapping" (see Techniques, page ix). B. • PAIRS. Call on a pair to model the conversation and demonstrate switching roles. Pair students and tell them to practice the conversation several times. • After students have practiced several times, have them close their books and practice again. Finally, tell them to stand and practice with four other partners. Set a time limit of two minutes. • To conclude the activity, call on two or three pairs to perform for the class. C. • PAIRS. Pair students before you begin. Read the directions aloud. Tell students that in their conversation, they must take care not to use descriptions and expressions that are mean, hurtful, or rude. • As students write and then practice their conversations, walk around, helping when necessary. • Call on pairs to role-play their conversations in front of the class. Have students complete Workbook Exercises 15–17. (10 min.) • GROUPS. Hold up your book and point to the Teen talk icon. Say Teen talk is a group activity. You can talk with classmates about favorite topics. Call on a student to read the directions aloud. • Hold up your book and point to the Useful language. Say These statements and expressions are useful language that you can use in your conversation. Do a choral reading of the Useful language by reading each line and having the class repeat after you. If helpful, "fill in" information in sentences with ellipses or blanks so that students understand how to complete them. • Model the activity with the Useful language by talking about your personality and other interesting information about you. • Form groups of three to five students, and then tell them to begin. Walk around the class as students talk, helping and correcting only when students ask. • Call on students to share any interesting information that they learned about each other in their groups.
  32. 32. 6 Practice Play a game. Go to page 68. 7 Practice A. Write information questions about the self-introductions on pages 6–7. Use the cues. 1. (Who) Paul Q: Who's Paul? 2. (What) Teen Scene Q: 3. (How old) Paul Q: 4. (What) Green Fire Q: 5. (Who) the Green Fire members Q: 6. (What) Lori's last name Q: 7. (Who) from Los Angeles Q: B. PAIRS. Take turns asking and answering the questions in Exercise A. Don't look at the reading. 8 Communication Describe someone's personality A. 5 Listen to the conversation. A: Who's that? B: He's my classmate. A: What's his name? B: Adam. A: He looks really cool. B: He is, but he's pretty shy. B. PAIRS. Role-play the conversation with a partner. C. PAIRS. With a classmate, write your own conversation about a new person at your school. Use Exercise A as your model. Then role-play your conversation. GROUPS. Talk about yourself. Tell your classmates the following information about yourself: • your name • your nickname if you have one • your age • other interesting information about yourself and your personality Useful language: • My name's . . . • My nickname is . . . • I'm years old. • I'm friendly/shy/serious/etc. • I enjoy . . . 9Unit 1
  33. 33. 9 Dialogue 6 Cover the dialogue and listen. Mom: So, how's Teen Scene, kids? What are you up to these days? Joe: A lot. We're busy with practice. We have a show in November. Mom: That's great! What kind is it? Diane: It's a musical. It's a mixture of hip- hop, pop, and Broadway. Dad: Really? Sounds interesting. Whose idea was it? Diane: I'd like to say mine, but . . . Joe: Yours? Ours, Diane. Not just yours. Dad: That's enough, you two. So, how's your new director? Diane: Paul? He's OK. He's friendly, but I think he's a perfectionist. Joe: Yeah, he makes us practice a lot. He's really serious. Mom: That's not so bad. Diane: It is. He's not exactly easygoing. Mom: I bet he keeps you busy. 10 Comprehension A. Answer the questions. 1. When is the Teen Scene show this year? 2. What kind of show is it? 3. What adjectives does Diane use to describe Paul? B. 7 Read along as you listen again. Check your answers. 11 Useful expressions A. 8 Listen and repeat. • What are you up to these days? • That's enough. • That's not so bad. • I bet . . . • Sounds [interesting]. B. Match each expression in Exercise A with an expression below. 1. Seems nice. Sounds interesting. 2. What's new? 3. I'm sure . . . 4. Stop it. 5. That's OK. 10 Unit 1
  34. 34. T10 TEACHER'SNOTES 9 Dialogue and 10 Comprehension (15 min.) A. • Hold up your book and point to Comprehension Exercise A. Read the directions and questions or call on a student to read them. Elicit or give the meaning of orally. Explain that the answers are in the dialogue. Ask review questions such as What's Teen Scene? (a drama and music group) What's Diane like? (shy, competitive) Who's Paul? (the director of Teen Scene) • Point to the names on the left of the dialogue. Ask How many people are speaking? (four) What are their names? (Diane, Joe, Mrs. Sanders [mom], Mr. Sanders [dad]) Point to each character in the picture and ask students to identify him/her. Ask Where are the characters? (in the kitchen) What time is it? (8:15) What are they eating? (waffles and cereal) Is it morning or evening? (morning; they're eating breakfast) • 6 Demonstrate how to cover the dialogue with a piece of paper or your hand and ask the rest of the class to follow. Tell students to listen carefully for the information they need to answer the Comprehension questions. If it helps, they can make notes as they listen. Play the audio. When finished, ask students to raise their hands if they need to listen again. Play the audio again once or twice if needed. B. • 7 Tell students to uncover the dialogue. Play the audio again and have students check their answers as they read along. Finally, elicit the answers. Answer key 1. In November 2. a musical 3. friendly, perfectionist, not (exactly) easygoing • To extend work with the dialogue, select key vocabulary, structures, and communicative phrases to discuss more fully, such as So, how is . . . ? (another way to say Tell me about . . . ), What are you up to . . . ? (means What are you doing?), these days, mixture, sounds, whose, mine, That's enough, makes us, not exactly, I bet . . . (another way to say I guess . . . or I think . . . ), and keeps you busy. Be careful to stay on task; discourage students from asking for translations of every word, and avoid explaining all the structures. • Have students practice the dialogue. Play the audio or read the dialogue aloud, pausing for students to repeat the lines. Work on pronunciation as needed. Then assign groups of four and tell students to read the dialogue aloud, changing roles after each reading so that all students read each role once. Model this with one group of students so the class understands. When groups have finished, select one or more groups to perform for the class. For further extension ideas, see the Dialogues and Comprehension notes in the Introduction, page x. Focus on values • Holding up your book, point to and read the exchange about Paul Chan (from Dad's line So, how's your new director? to Mom's line That's not so bad.) Ask students, letting them use L1 if needed, Why do you think Paul makes the teenagers practice a lot? (He wants them to do their best. He wants them to improve their skills. He wants them to put up a good show. He wants them to work well together.) • Have students tell about their own extra- curricular activities by asking questions such as Do you spend a lot of time practicing something in or out of school? How long and how often do you practice? Discuss with the class the advantages and disadvantages of long or constant practice. 11 Useful expressions (5 min.) A. • Hold up your book and point to the Useful expressions. Tell students that they will now be listening to and repeating some expressions from the dialogue. Tell them these are common expressions they will learn to use. • 8 Play the audio and have students listen and repeat. Work on pronunciation as needed. • Tell students to find each expression in the dialogue. You may want to elicit the name of the character who used each expression. Quickly elicit the meanings of the expressions. B. • Call on a student to read the directions aloud. Elicit the expression in the first item and its matching expression in the dialogue. Then have students work individually to complete the exercise. • Elicit answers by calling on one student to read the expression in the exercise, then another to give the answer. Answer key 1. Sounds interesting. 2. What are you up to these days? 3. I bet . . . 4. That's enough. 5. That's not so bad.
  35. 35. T11 TEACHER'SNOTES Grammar Focus and Discovering grammar (10 min. or less) Review of the simple present: other verbs ☞See Grammar reference, page 98. • Write on the board Karen lives in New York City. Ask Does this statement use a be verb? (No, it uses other verbs.) Elicit the verb and underline it. • Point to the Grammar chart and read the heading aloud: Simple present tense: other verbs. Read each of the sections in the chart and have students repeat. Keep the pace quick. Elicit the verbs in each statement. • PAIRS. Tell students to read the Discovering grammar directions. Elicit the answer to the first item. Have pairs complete the exercise. • Elicit the answers to the rest of the items. Answer key 1. does 2. do • Use the board to teach or elicit other important information about the simple present tense of other verbs, such as the formation of the third- person singular and how to make negative statements. (See the Grammar reference.) Practicing grammar 12 Practice (10 min. or less) • Holding up your book, point to each celebrity and ask students to raise their hands if they know the person. Elicit the names of the celebrities. • Call on a student to read the directions aloud. Elicit the verbs for the first sentence and write them on the board. • Have students work in pairs to fill in the blanks. Encourage them to use contractions where appropriate. • Elicit answers by calling on students to read the sentences aloud. As students read, elicit or teach unfamiliar vocabulary items such as charity work, fame, and environment. Answer key 1. is, plays, doesn't spend, loves 2. are, live, do, travels, uses 13 Practice (10 min. or less) • PAIRS. Read the directions and example aloud. Ask What word begins the Yes/No question? (Does) Why? (Michelle Wie is singular.) • Call on students to read the other sentences aloud. Elicit the subject and the verb for each and ask whether they are singular or plural. Then elicit the Yes/No questions. • Call on a pair to model asking and answering and demonstrate taking turns. • As students practice, circulate to monitor and help. • To check, call on one or two pairs to perform for the class. 14 Practice (15 min.) • PAIRS. Read the directions and example aloud. Point out that the question uses a noun and the answer uses a pronoun. Then elicit some questions and answers about Michele Wie. Depending on student ability, you may wish to elicit questions for both paragraphs. • As students practice, walk around, helping when necessary. • To check, call on one or two pairs to perform for the class. Have students complete Workbook Exercises 7–11 and Grammar Builder Exercises 4–5. 15 Writing (15 min.) A. • Read the directions aloud. Tell students that they can write about a famous person, a family member, or a friend. Holding up the book, point to the articles in Exercise 12 and say Use these articles to guide you in writing your paragraph. • Elicit and write guide questions on the board; for example, What's his or her name? How old is he or she? Where does he or she live? What does he or she do? • Tell students to write notes before writing their paragraphs. • As students work on their paragraphs, walk around to monitor and help. B. • PAIRS. Read the directions aloud. Go through the items in the Peer editing checklist on page 104 and answer questions students may have about them. • Assign pairs. Have students exchange paragraphs with a partner and mark their partner's work. Then have students take back and correct their writing before turning it in to you. (See Writing in the Introduction, page xiii.)

Activity 4.4 Mathematical Modeling Conclusion Questions Answers


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