
How To Draw Paper Mario Style

Then you want to brand a Paper Mario styled sprite, huh?

Well then, today's your lucky twenty-four hours (as long as you were looking for a TTYD or SPM style sprite, anyways).

The Newspaper Mario mode is very clean, unproblematic and stylized. The most of import things to keep in mind when recreating this style are proportions and craft.

So what do I mean by proportions?

Case 1 features my grapheme Goombert with his normal proportions. If you were to measure his meridian using the length of his head, y'all would discover that he is roughly 6 heads tall.


Example 2 shows the Newspaper Mario version of my grapheme compared to his normal form. Notice how big the head is compared to his body. Even though the ii look similar the same meridian adjacent to each other, the Paper Mario one is 2 and a half heads tall.


Note: If we were being 100% authentic to Paper Mario, Bert would most likely only exist 2 heads tall and have no visible legs- just feet. However, angry gremlin Bert isn't what I wanted this time, then I followed Lord Crump's proportions and gave Bert tiny legs/anxiety instead. Notice how the graphic symbol's tiptop is still by and large the same. I did not add long gangly legs to his model- I fit tiny legs in where the waist and big goomba shoes would exist in the stockier blueprint. Exchanging the big shoes for tiny legs and feet keeps the graphic symbol design balanced and non excessively weighed downward. If he nevertheless had the big shoes in addition to his legs then his design would seem more than like something out of Kingdom Hearts than Paper Mario.


In that modest amount of character real estate it is essential to condense the information of your character equally much equally possible without erasing their personality. Break the character up into elementary shapes- Goombert'southward face up is only a flattened pentagon, and his torso is a rounded rectangle. Go on the character's clothing simple as well.

So nosotros've talked about the proportions. Now let's talk about craft.

At my sometime artschool, nosotros used the term "arts and crafts" to describe the cleanliness and precision of an art piece. Paper Mario is dripping with arts and crafts. Due to their simplicity, every single line matters in their games. Their lines are not wiggly, jagged (panel resolution limitations not withstanding), scribbled or messy. Their lines are bold and smooth, like proficient java. There is adjacent to no room for mistakes when doing the line art in these games. Every line must be clean and deliberate. No pressure, of course :p

So allow's accept a look at the Groovy Gonzales himself.

Looking at his outline, in that location are two distinct line thicknesses in use. The thickest line is around the perimeter of the graphic symbol model. The interior lines are slightly thinner to help keep his details from condign too chunky and hard to read. Additionally, the interior lines tend to taper to a point at the end of curved lines that open up into the model (see his ear, olfactory organ and thumb lines).


To brand my lines, I used the Continuous Curve tool in Manga Studio. Since in that location are next to no straight edges/points in Paper Mario (outside of Super Paper Mario of course), mastering smooth curved lines is important for maintaining the style. The continuous curve tool is great considering it allows me to continue a consequent line weight. What is line weight you lot enquire?



Line weight is the thickness of the line and the consistency of how it applied. In most natural styles, you would want to utilize thick and thin lines together to give unlike areas of a cartoon more than weight. Often times the thick lines will taper into a nice sparse line. Paper Mario, nonetheless, uses evenly distributed line weight- the line should exist the aforementioned thickness all around the outline of the character. The only time the lines taper are effectually the curved interior details of the same olfactory organ, thumb and ear.

Considering of this, I would recommend using shape tools and tools like the Continuous Curve tool when making your sprite outlines.

Now Goombert here still needs a little more line weight around his exterior, but I'll save that stride for after. Right now, let's await at color.


Same as with the line art, the colors in Paper Mario are incredibly clean. Even so, they are not flat. Almost every colored area of a grapheme in Newspaper Mario has a color gradient in information technology. A color gradient is ii or more colors blended together so that they make a new hue of color in the heart. Notice how Mario's hat is almost orange in the pinnacle correct highlighted region of it before transitioning to a richer red color. This is a basic two color slope that starts with a lighter color and ends in a darker color, giving the illusion of depth and lighting.

To employ the gradient tool in Photoshop, select the paint bucket tool with the right click of your mouse. This should open up a popular up with the gradient tool every bit i of the tool options. Later on switching to this tool you will be able to draw a slope line using whatsoever two colors you have selected it your color selection surface area.


Exist sure to select an area to fill in first or else you volition only fill up in the whole piece of work area. Magic wand and the choice lasso should piece of work just fine for this.


Some other nice subtle touch past Nintendo is the improver of petty highlight lines around all the shaded regions of the character model. Await at the darker region of the goomba's cheek- see that little tan outline post-obit the interior contour of the black outline? All the "shaded" regions have these highlights. Simply employ the hue that you used for the lightest region of the color slope to trace the inner part of your line. In my opinion, it'south this trivial highlight that really sells the Newspaper Mario look.


Alright, let'due south get downwardly to coloring. Since Goombert is just a humanized spiked goomba I am going to borrow some of the original sprite's color scheme.


Now that I have colored him in with the gradients and highlight lines, I am going to requite him a pocket-sized amount of shading. Making a new layer set to multiply, I added a calorie-free greyish brown hue under his bangs, eyebrows and helmet. We're not going for elaborate shading here- just simple faint lines that indicate an object is sitting on height of the character'southward face.


Boy howdy, that sure is a human goomba dude. Now at this phase yous could technically phone call the sprite washed, simply I'm going to add a couple details to actually sell this.


Kickoff thing'due south first, I am going to make the outline effectually Bert bolder so that there is a clearer distinction between the interior and outside lines. Easiest style to do this in Photoshop is to get to "Blending Options" in the layers section and to click on "stroke". Stroke adds an outline to whatsoever form is in the layer. Equally handy as this usually is, this blending option can also exist very messy if the object in the layer doesn't accept perfectly smooth lines. If the stroke looks likewise jagged and messy, select the expanse around your grapheme with the magic wand, go to the "Select" tab higher up your work station, click on "modify" and then click on shine. I smoothed my outline by 5 pixels earlier deleting the messier areas of my outline. As this worked, I went ahead and made a thick black outline around my sprite.


After making the black outline thicker, I duplicated the layer and place it underneath the previous layer. I changed the stroke color to white and made it even thicker than the first black line.


I echo the previous pace ane more fourth dimension, this time making the line blackness and but slightly thicker than the white outline. To summarize, this is three sprites stacked on top of i another to requite the illusion of a sticker outline.

The last touch I add is "drop shadow" on the bottom sprite layer. I make the shadow bespeak down nether the sprite, and I drop the opacity to 60 percent or then.


And voila! You accept your very own Paper Mario styled sprite.

If yous liked and enjoyed this tutorial, please allow me know- I'd love to see what you brand with it.

Additionally, if you would like to see me brand more tutorials in the future then please consider supporting me on Patreon today!


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